Swift Magazine Volume 5

This February, I would like to share with you the latest Swift Magazine available from Kinokuniya, KLCC. Priced at RM 94.00 (5% discount if you are Isetan Club Member and pay by cash), it feature the cover stories of latest Swift & Swift Sport launched at Japan not long ago.
Too bad that it didn't put any news, photo or coverage about HT81S in this edition and the only photo I could find about HT81S is at the comparison page between HT81S, ZC31S and the latest ZC32S.
The last few pages in ths magazine dedicate to DIY stuff, what equipment you should have and how to do it. A good guide with picture. I sure will learn and try to buy some of that stuffs for my personal usage at home.

If you haven't get yourself a copy of this magazine, head to Kinokuniya for a copy as I only saw another 1 left at the shelf. Else, order online using Amazon. Remember there are no free goodies in this edition, no stickers or DVD.

ISBN No. : 978-4-7796-1298-5
Published date : 2012 January
