HT81S/HV81S in Facebook

Facebook is a good place to find friends and play games, it is also a good place to find someone or group of people that share the same interest as you. This is what exactly what I wanted to share with you about groups of HT81S/HV81S (Swift/Ignis Sport) enthusiast group from different country and background.
It is also a nice place to read about their modification styles, photos and problems they encounter with Swift/Ignis Sport.

Links as below :-
Suzuki Club Singapore (Group) :-!/group.php?gid=10607927406&v=wall

Suzuki Ignis Sport (Group - Russia) :-!/group.php?gid=121541081221046&v=wall

Suzuki Ignis Sport Owner (Group - UK - :-

Ignis/Swift Sport Club (Group - Barbados) :-!/group.php?gid=8902143095&v=wall

Suzuki Ignis 1.5 16V Sport (Group - Germany) :-

Suzuki Ignis Sport Gr Club (Group - Greece) :-!/group.php?gid=84811890847&v=wall

Suzuki Ignis Sport Power !!!! (Group - Greece (Thanks cultus!) :-!/group.php?gid=51730776890&v=wall

After browsing all there group, it make me think that the world is actually so huge that there is so many owner out there that share the same interest and owned the same car as me. It is good to read/know about what is happening at other countries and know someone there as it may help you when you run into problem with your car. Or you can copy their way of modification and apply it to your car.
There are a lot of nice photo posted in the group and it is worth to browse and read about it.
Happy browsing.


  1. The two last links you 've posted are both from Greece:)
    Both guys are members of our Greek suzuki club:)
    So,here's the chance for an invitation.How would it sound to you if i invite you to join our forum and introduce to us your vehicle?:)
    Any problem with the language i can help you out with the translation:)

  2. Oh...sorry for the mistake. I will amend it accordingly. Thanks for the invitation, it will be an honour to join your forum. I am very interested to know the modification knowledge from Greece owner.
    Thanks again.

  3. Modification knowledge?On M15A???Let me laugh out loud!The owners know a lot more about the engines and the overall car's information and set up than the tuners!Practically none got interest on the Ignis Sport!Imagine that there are only 5 Ignis Sports in Greece that are tuned!!!

  4. Too sad to know that there is not much interest on Ignis Sport at Greece...

  5. Hi, I was wondering what the difference is between the HT81s and the HV81s is. Do modification parts for the HT81s also fit on the HV81S?

    I've been learing alot by your blog. Great job!

    Mike from Luxembourg, Europe.

  6. Engine Mapping, interior design and fittings are different HT and HV.


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