Imagination is more fulfilling than owning

 The above photo was taken from Facebook the other day and remind me of something. Something that happened way before getting my red HT81S. I owned a Proton Iswara hatchback as my first car which was bought by my dad during my university days, it serves me well, race a lot with it, bring me around the country during long road road trips, I go date with it. However it was getting old and I need to replace it, then I look around for something 2 door.

HT81S is not my first choice and I am looking for a Toyota Starlet but after 2 years of looking, I cant get any lead to land one and during a routine browsing of car magazine my gf point towards an advert of HT81S and ask me to consider buying that. 

Since then, I start to imagine myself driving one, not as complete with props like the photo but sitting on the bed and start to imagine driving around in a HT81S. It is so fun and exciting. 

I don't know what is happening in the photo, either the guy had sold the car and left with pieces of it and decided to relive the moment of driving or just pure fun. Anyway, it is a great photo.

All credit to the owner. Hope he does get into a HT81S again and have fun driving the actual car.
