The racer in me

An amateur or just plain driver will somehow think of racing when you drive on the road. The moment that you walk to your car, start the engine and just drive away to nowhere, yes nowhere which means no destination but just wish to drive along the highway and meet other racers. Deep inside you wish to join the race or even challenge someone you think of a worthy opponent to test your limit on that day.
That is the best feeling that you ever get when driving your favourite car. I do have the same feeling during my early days of driving when I first get my driving license. I not even driving my HT81S, but a small hatchback Proton. The feeling is so good when running on the highway in the night for a few hours until the gas run down and back home sleep afterwards.
I wish to get into a race suit with gloves and helmet and challenge the race track, but it just a dream.
The photo above brings back all those memories, thanks to the owner of the photo. It was taken from your twitter account. All credit to you.
