This is one of the website and biggest HT81S owners club in Japan with around 300+ owners and their page have pictures and list of modification done to their car, but sadly it is entirely in Japanese. However, with google translate you can easily read it at your own language. I had read about this pages for some time and I lost the link and web address it so I unable to share it with you, but this time please visit this pages and have a look on the beautiful photos of HT81S (modified or unmodified).

Above is a sample of photos and modification done to their HT81S.
Main Page of the group :-
http://swiftsport.fc2web.com/Index page to their member pages with separation of area/district in Japan :-
http://swiftsport.fc2web.com/garage/Remember to read everypage as it is very interesting to have so much information in a single page to show all the modification done to their beloved HT81S.
I wonder should I start my own page here with the same concept but feature all the car in the world. Give me opinion and comments here :-
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