I love HT81S T-Shirt

I had found this item for sale in the internet previously but I forget to bookmark the website and only now I got time to find it and post it here for all to view. I don't know about you (owner of Ht81S) whether you like something like this or not but for me, I love this thing. There is actually a blog group in Japan that is named I LOVE 81. The 81 that is mention here is not about the year of birth but rather the car model name which is HT81S.
The price of the shirt is not cheap and it comes in various color and size and you can specify it to your requirement. Price from JPY 2100 and I think doesn't include delivery.
You can try to play about it and select different colour to suit your taste.
The link to the online shop is as below :-

Please let me make myself clear about this, I have no interest in this shop and have any business associate to it. If my year end bonus is enough for this I might order one for my New Year shirt.


  1. Maybe I just create one here and ship to you. I am thinking of getting a custom t-shirt here with that design.

  2. Ok, let me know when it will be actual. Thanks.


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